Esco Medical China conducted a 2-day MIRI® Time-Lapse workshop held on May 25-26, 2019. It was held at Qingdao East, China, and participated by 24 embryologists from IVF clinics across the country.
The first day of the workshop is a series of lectures conducted by three (3) speakers, followed by the hands-on session.
The industry experts who facilitated the workshop are as follows:
Diana Stein, an embryologist with 34 years of experience and the IVF Lab Manager of Laniado Hospital in Israel;
Lingbo Cai, Leader of IVF Center at Jiangsu Province Hospital; and
Xuegong Ma, Leader of IVF Center at Qinghai Provincial People’s Hospital and an experienced Time-lapse user who has been using MIRI® Time-Lapse for 4 years. Xuegong Ma shared his experiences of using MIRI® Time-Lapse, abnormalities of embryo cleavage, and how to select embryos by time-lapse during the workshop.
The participants were also introduced to other Esco products and some of the upcoming innovations that the team has been working on.
To find out more on our upcoming TL workshops, contact [email protected] or visit our website http://escomedicalgroup.com/ for updates on the schedule.