Esco Medical conducted a MIRI® TL workshop in Norfolk, Virginia, USA from 15th - 19th of July, 2019. The workshop was conducted in collaboration with Helena Russell at Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS), as part of their Reproductive Clinical Science, Master’s Program.
The workshop was facilitated by Diana Stein, an expert in time-lapse incubation, who has been using the MIRI® TL since 2014. Diana is an embryologist practicing since 1984 and is also the IVF Laboratory Manager at Laniado Hospital in Israel.
The first part of the workshop focused on the theoretical knowledge building followed by hands-on sessions under the supervision and guidance of Diana.
Feedbacks from the academy and the students indicated that the workshop successfully engaged them and they felt that attending it was worth the time.
We would like to thank EVMS, the Faculty of Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine, and the participants for actively participating in the workshop. Such events aim to help IVF clinicians and embryologists to get to know more about time-lapse technology for embryo culture.
Please email us at [email protected] for the schedule of the upcoming MIRI® TL workshops.
We look forward to seeing you at the next TL workshop!