Esco Medical has the distinct honour of installing the very first MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator and MIRI® Multiroom Incubator in one of the biggest IVF clinics in Ethiopia — St. Paul Hospital in Addis Ababa.
Being the first government IVF hospital in Ethiopia, St. Paul Hospital is considered as a gold standard for IVF in the country. The hospital’s director, Dr. Thomas Mekuria Gebre, is very happy with the outcome of their first cycle using MIRI® and MIRI® TL. According to him, 5 out of 8 patients got pregnant with the use of Esco Medical’s MIRI® incubation system. They believe that using MIRI® and MIRI® TL will improve the quality of their procedures, and help the hospital achieve higher pregnancy success rates.
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