271 result/s found.
The Reproductive and Genetics Institute of the Chongqing Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital successfully held the 18th Chongqing ART conference from November 3-5, 2016 at the Sofitel Hotel, Chongqing, China.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joins-the-18th-chongqing-art-conference-joint-session-with-alpha
This year's theme is Bigger and Better! Esco Medical is massively expanding its fleet on the different products to further enhance your current IVF workflow routine.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/new-ivf-products-to-unveil-at-eshre-2016
We hope that you enjoyed witnessing the various products that were showcased during the exhibit: MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator, MIRI® Multiroom Incubator, Mini MIRI® Incubator, Semi-Closed Environment (SCE) IVF, and Esco Multi-Zone ART Workstation with built-in MIRI® chambers.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/thank-you-for-seeing-us-during-the-asrm-show
We are bringing new and exciting products to this year's ASRM annual meeting. Esco Medical is massively expanding its IVF product portfolio to enhance your current IVF workflow routine. Please see us at Booth 1731
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/we-are-excited-for-asrm
The Esco MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator and the MIRI® Multiroom Incubator are now registered in the Singapore Medical Device Registry (SMDR), a database of all medical devices registered for use in human being under the Singapore Health Product Act (Medical Device Regulation).
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-incubators-now-smdr-registered
We are one with this year's ASRM theme, "Scaling New Heights in Reproductive Medicine," in raising the bar higher with innovations and technologies that will further propel reproductive success.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/raising-the-bar-higher-this-asrm-2016
Many IVF laboratories around the world shifted to using MIRI® Multiroom Incubator because of the benefits it offers; Minimum-stress environment for your precious embryos. That is what the MIRI® is for! The six chambers, designed to prevent cross-contamination, are entirely independent of each other....
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/ivf-labs-in-the-world-have-already-discovered-the-benefits-of-the-miri-multiroom-incubator
For those couples who dream of being parents, pregnancy problems can be tremendously frustrating and at some point depressing. The WHO reported that one out of eight couples is inflicted with infertility.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-trend-doing-time-lapse-monitoring-together-with-pgs
Just a few of the things you'll love about the MIRI® Time-Lapse, packed with features you'll surely want to have in an IVF incubator.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-tl-reasons-to-switch-to-time-lapse-monitoring
Thank you for visiting Esco Medical during the ESHRE 2016 event, held on 03 ~ 07 July at the Messukeskus Exhibition and Convention Centre, Helsinki, Finland. The show was a huge success and we attribute it to you and to everyone who visited us in our booth.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/thank-you-for-being-part-of-our-success-during-the-eshre-2016-show
The MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator is a multiroom incubator with a built-in camera and microscope. Designed and manufactured in EU, the MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator provides high quality time-lapse images of embryos developing in "real-time" without having to remove the embryos from...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/time-lapse-embryo-incubator
MIRI GA® is a tabletop device that is designed to perform easy and continuous external gas and temperature validation of IVF incubators. This device can be used to validate different varieties of Esco Medical IVF incubators such as MIRI® Time-lapse Incubator, MIRI® M...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/gas-and-temperature-validation-unit
The Esco Medical CultureCoin® is an IVF culture dish designed specifically for the MIRI® TL. The MIRI® TL is Esco Medical’s time-lapse incubator that captures real-time images of developing embryos which can be viewed as time-lapse videos.The CultureCoin®...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/culture-coin
A multiroom incubator for embryo culture with 6 independent chambers preventing cross contamination without causing any disturbance to the neighboring chambers even when the lids are opened/closed.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/benchtop-multi-room-incubator
Multi-Zone ART Workstation is a vertical laminar flow workstation with multiple heating zones that enable precise temperature control across the work surface, with the provision to have a built-in microscope and integrated MIRI® chambers. Available in different sizes and configurations.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/multi-zone-art-workstation
When employing highly sensitive laboratory balances, microscopes, and other high-precision equipment, an Anti-Vibration Table (MIRI® AVT) is a specialized work surface that can be utilized to considerably reduce vibrations and disruptions. AVTs are often employed in laboratory settings wh...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/anti-vibration-table
A tabletop centrifuge is a medium-capacity centrifuge used for the separation of milliliter heterogeneous mixtures or samples. This device works by spinning the samples loaded in various rotor types at high speed. It undergoes a centrifugation process which involves the use of centrifugal force for...
URL: https://www.escolifesciences.com/products/centrifuge/versati-tabletop-ventilated-centrifuge
The number of in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics has been increasing over the years due to the rise in demand for infertility treatment. One of the main reasons for this is the growing exposure of IVF technology concepts, news, and articles through various media platforms such as television, newsp...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/ivf-incubators
The Esco Medical MIRI® II-12 Multiroom Incubator is intended to be used to provide a stable culture environment at or near body temperature and CO2 and N2 gasses for the development of gametes and embryos during In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Assisted Reproduction...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/miri-ii-multiroom-incubator
The Mini MIRI® Dry incubator is a two-chamber mini bench top incubator that takes after the classic MIRI® Multiroom incubator. This mini version of the MIRI® is a perfect-fit for IVF laboratories that prioritize on footprint and affordability.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/mini-miri-dry-incubator
The Mini MIRI® Humidity Incubator is a humidified mini benchtop incubator built on the robust and reliable MIRI® design. The compact design and direct heat regulation help prevent vapor condensation and further translate to faster temperature and gas recovery.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/mini-miri-humidity-incubator
Box CO₂ incubators offering rapid temperature and gas recovery, ISO Class 5 cleanliness, ISOCIDE™ antimicrobial coating and an inner door kit to reduce contamination risk. The CelCulture® CO₂ Incubator is designed to replicate the natural environment for developing embryos by maintaining...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/co2-incubator
The Aeris™ Thermal Cycler is proven reliable with its improved software functions. This thermal cycler has a user-friendly interface that allows easier control of the PCR protocol to achieve optimized PCR results. It also offers 5 interchangeable blocks designed to meet critical requirements for dif...
URL: https://www.escolifesciences.com/products/pcr-thermal-cycler/aeris-pcr-thermal-cycler
Esco VIVA® Universal Animal Workstation (VA2) employs two independently balanced ULPA filtration modules to protect animals inside the workzone from exposure to airborne particulates/ambient contamination. As well as, the operator from exposure to allergens and other potentially hazardous...
URL: https://www.escolifesciences.com/products/animal-research-workstation/viva-g4-animal-containment-workstation
Esco VIVA® Dual Access Animal Containment Workstation (VDA) gives the best allergen, microbial, and product protection, at lowest energy consumption and noise, while giving the ultimate user comfort.
URL: https://www.escolifesciences.com/products/animal-research-workstation/viva-dual-access-containment-workstation
Cage cleaning and bedding disposal procedures are now simpler, safer and more productive with the VIVA® Bedding Disposal Workstation (VBD). Specifically designed for the animal research laboratory, the mobile workstation protects personnel and the lab environment from exposure to allergen...
URL: https://www.escolifesciences.com/products/animal-research-workstation/viva-bedding-disposal-workstation
MIRI® Evidence is redefining the way traceability in laboratory procedures is managed and stored in fertility clinics, eliminating errors, preventing system mix-ups, saving time, and helping clinics to comply with regulations. This IVF traceability tool provides a single, secure platform...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/miri-evidence
The MIRI® Humidity is a six chamber multiroom benchtop incubator that provides a humidified environment for embryo culture. The robust design enables for quick temperature and gas recovery for optimal embryo culture while preventing vapor condensation.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/miri-humidity-multiroom-incubator
Built on the sturdy and dependable MIRI® architecture by Esco Medical, the Mini MIRI® Incubator offers a consistent culture environment. Direct hea...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/mini-miri-incubators
The MIRI® Laminar Flow cabinet is a specialized piece of equipment that allows for a controlled, laminar airflow. It is designed with a vertical airflow configuration and is equipped with electronically commuted motor (ECM) technology that can provide excellent energy efficiency. The cabi...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products/miri-laminar-flow-cabinet
Based in Colorado, Conceptions is a leading IVF clinic in the United States. They have the highest live birth rate in the country. In 2016, Conceptions started blast culture in their clinic and the MIRI® Multiroom Incubator has played a key role in helping them achieve their goals. Watch...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-the-top-performing-incubator-at-conceptions-colorado
"More single embryo transfers, higher pregnancy rates and reduced pregnancy loss have been recorded during the 2 years of using the MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator in our clinic.” -Dr. Uwe Weidner, IVF Lab Director “Twenty-five (25) years of experience in IVF and there are still many question...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/vf-clinic-achieved-higher-pregnancy-rate-using-miri-tl
Kinderwunschzentrum Dresden Praxisklinik Dr. med. H. J. Held was founded in 1998 by Dr. med Hans-Jürgen Held. It is located in the center of the Saxon capital of Dresden on the Prager Str. In the "Wöhrl-Plaza. The clinic specializes in IVF treatment where they offer the entire spectrum of modern rep...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-tl-raised-hopes-of-an-ivf-clinic-in-dresden-germany
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Ebner and his team with Esco MIRI® Incubators Kepler Universitaetsklinikum in Linz, the central healthcare provider in Upper Austria, has been using MIRI® Multiroom Incubator and MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator for years now. According to P...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/kepler-universitaetsklinikum-in-austria-approves-miri
Clinique PROCRÉA - Abidjan, the largest and most-trusted IVF center in Ivory Coast, West Africa, is addressing infertility in the region through the help of the newly acquired MIRI® Multiroom Incubator to increase their capacity to meet the growing demands. Clinique PROCRÉA chose the M...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/ivory-coast-clinic-uses-the-miri-ga-for-incubator-validation
Esco Medical is ecstatic with the first MIRI® TL installation in Brazil at the Fertilidade & Vida Clinic. Esco Medical is proud that the new MIRI® TL found home with a team of doctors who are strong believers and supporters of the clinical value of time-lapse in embryology.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-tl-successfully-running-in-brazil
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebner from the Kepler University in Linz (Austria) has been working with the MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator since many years and has been actively conducting research work on several aspects of human embryo development. His latest research work on human embryos depicting plan...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-tl-the-heart-of-research-at-kepler-university-in-linz
When SAFE Sens integration to the Esco MIRI® Multiroom Incubator was announced at ESHRE last year, it was well received by IVF laboratories worldwide. The ability to measure, record and archive pH during a cycle, provides the lab extra assurance of a stable incubator environment throughou...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/1000th-miri-customer-finds-convenience-with-safe-sens
With over 26 years of experience, Akruti Fertility Center is one of the leading Infertility, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Genetics and IVF Centers in India with over 70 cycles per month. With a strong emphasis on technological advancement as a key to improving their service, the clinic recently acquired...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/akruti-fertility-center-uses-advanced-time-lapse-incubator-in-embryo-selection
Dr. Jimmy Portella, IVF Laboratory Director, and Dr. Luis Guzmán, Scientific Director of PRANOR Group of Assisted Reproduction, are proud to announce that through their clinic, the first pregnancy through time-lapse embryo selection was successfully recorded in Peru. In a clinical case study publish...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/peru-reports-first-pregnancy-with-miri-tl
Fakih IVF Fertility Center, is one of the leading Infertility, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Genetics and IVF centers in the GCC region, and is a proud user of eight (8) Miri Benchtop Incubators. With centers in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and soon in Al Ain, Fakih IVF is available to help couples throughout the UAE...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/leading-gcc-fertility-center-says-we-trust-the-miri
The Rockville office is home to Shady Grove Fertility's largest IVF and embryology laboratory, serving patients across Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. The Clinic offers IUI, IVF, Donor Egg Treatment, Egg Freezing, OncoFertility, and Andrology Services.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/shady-grove-fertility-purchased-21-units-of-miri
One Esco Multi-Zone ART Workstation was recently installed at the IVI Santiago de Chile Clinic by Loncoctec S.A team, Esco’s partner in Chile. The Esco Multi-Zone ART Workstation is a multi-zone workstation with 9+1 heated zones to maintain the desired temperature of the specimen during observation...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/ivi-santiago-de-chile-is-a-proud-user-of-esco-maw
The Stanford University Medical Center has among the best IVF results in the US, with over 1000 cycles being done a year, with mostly on a mix of D3 and D5 transfers. Dr. Barry Behr, director of the said Laboratory, believes that giving the embryos the optimum culture environment is the key to a be...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-multiroom-incubator-installed-in-stanford-university-medical-center
Established in 1993, started with only 2 floors, Amman Hospital today treats patients coming from Jordan and abroad with 95 beds distributed in 6 floors. The hospital specializes in orthopaedic and trauma, Laparoscopic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Neurosurgery...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-and-esco-maw-at-amman-hospital-jordan
San Carlos Clinic in Turin, Italy is a private clinic specializing in IVF reproductive treatments. They cooperate with the Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Gynecology and with the Centre of Research on Medical Bioclimatology-Biotechnologies-Natural Medicine in Milan State University.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-at-san-carlos-clinic-in-italy
Being a clinician, what I believe is that 80% of success or failure of an IVF treatment cycles is from the lab! Optimum in-vitro culture condition is indispensable to achieve highest live birth rates in an IVF Lab. We recently purchased two MIRI® Multiroom Incubators and we are very hap...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-at-anatolia-ivf-and-women-s-health-center
The Human Reproduction Unit of the General Hospital of Valencia has been elected to participate in an international project in which they will test the leading technology of MIRI® TL Incubator for IVF. This project will take place in four European hospitals, one of which is the Spanish ‘’...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/miri-tl-advancing-in-vitro-fertilization-in-spain
The birth of a child is a fulfillment of every couple’s dream, especially to those who are trying to conceive over the years. At exactly 3:27pm, on the 18th day of August 2014, a couple became parents with the birth of a baby girl who was conceived through in vitro fertilization.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/family-success-stories-with-miri-multiroom-incubator
Esco is pleased to announce that healthy twin girls were conceived, with the help of Esco’s unique MIRI® Multiroom Incubator. The Danish couple had their IVF treatment at the Fertility Clinic Trianglen. The clinic was established in 1993 and is one of the oldest fertility clinics in Denma...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/healthy-twins-conceived-by-esco-miri-multiroom-incubator
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebner, Kepler University, Linz, Austria Since the birth of Louise Brown (Steptoe and Edward, 1978) the field of assisted reproduction underwent fundamental changes in fertilization techniques (Palermo et al., 1992), controlled ovarian
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/how-to-implement-time-lapse-system-in-daily-ivf-practice
A careful manipulation of gamete and embryos has always been an important element of embryology as it contributes to the overall success of ART. The regulation of CO2 concentration all throughout the IVF process from egg retrieval to preparation and fertilization up to incubation is of paramount imp...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/why-maintaining-co2-balance-is-important
Diana Stein, embryologist for over 30 years and Lab Director of Laniado Hospital-Sanz Medical Center (Israel) and a MIRI® Time-Lapse user, had an initial impression after a quick look of the embryo status morning of Day 2 to transfer the embryo on the right, based on its more advanced and slightly b...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/what-are-you-missing-without-time-lapse
Evaluation of embryos in vitro has significantly improved over the past years with the introduction of time-lapse technology, which provides us with new tools to assess the morphological characteristics and implantation potential of an embryo.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/are-we-on-the-same-page-a-guide-to-time-lapse-nomenclature-and-annotation-resource
Oocyte pick-up, embryo handling and micromanipulation require various types of microscopes. Most common models of stereo zoom microscopes, transmitted light sources and inverted microscopes can be integrated into Esco IVF Workstations.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/integrated-microscopes-for-esco-ivf-workstations
The worldwide in vitro fertilization (IVF) services have been projected to show significant growth due to an increase in infertility rate, an inclination of delayed pregnancies, and the rise in IVF success rate.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/in-vitro-fertilization-ivf-as-fertility-treatment
The Commission of Laboratory Accreditation of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) accredits IVF and andrology laboratories. The CAP is widely considered the leader in quality assurance. CAP accreditation is recognized by the US Federal Government as equal to or more stringent than the governm...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/ivf-lab-standards-practices-accreditation
Esco is pleased to announce that healthy twin girls were conceived, with the help of Esco’s unique MIRI® Multiroom Incubator. The Danish couple had their IVF treatment at the Fertility Clinic Trianglen. The clinic was established in 1993 and is one of the oldest fertility clinics in Denma...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/role-of-ivf-cabinets-in-ivf-labs
Time Lapse Imaging and Morphokinetics Parameters, IVF, Time Lapse Imaging, Time Lapse technology, Time Lapse Incubator, IVF Incubator, Embryo Incubator, Embryo development, embryo culture
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/time-lapse-imaging-and-morphokinetics-parameters
Air cleanliness is classified according to the number and size of particles within a sample of air, measured in particles per cubic foot or cubic meter of air.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource/air-quality-for-embryo-culture
As the world is slowly going back to its normal ways of living, Esco Medical – Dubai quarters held a two-day MIRI® TL workshop for its time-lapse incubator customers. The participants had the opportunity to work with the MIRI® TL time-lapse system during a hands-on session last June 25 – 26, 2021 at...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-dubai-hosts-time-lapse-hands-on-session
During an IVF procedure, the egg is fertilized by the sperm cell in the laboratory instead of fertilizing inside the human body. For this fertilization to happen and to be successful, it is important to mimic the environmental condition of the embryo developing inside the uterus.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-role-of-co2-incubator-in-an-ivf-laboratory
Third-party reproduction refers to having someone involved in a couple's or individual’s plan to have a child. Third-party reproduction is about using another person’s gamete or embryo to make it possible for the parents with infertility problems to bear an offspring.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/third-party-reproduction-as-a-tool-for-successful-ivf-treatment
Blood Cell Storage, Inc. (BCSI) and Esco Medical UAB, a division of Esco Micro Pte. Ltd, Singapore, today announced that Esco’s new MIRI® II-12 multiroom incubator (now available worldwide) offers SAFE Sens pH monitoring system for IVF culture media as a standard feature. In the US, every MIRI® II-1...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/safe-sens-is-now-offered-as-a-standard-feature-in-the-miri-ii-12-incubator
Esco is pleased to announce that healthy twin girls were conceived, with the help of Esco’s unique MIRI® Multiroom Incubator.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/virtual-sirt-2021-a-success
The annual Scientists in Reproductive Technology (SIRT) meeting was held virtually last May 01, 2021. The SIRT is a sub-group representing the scientific membership of The Fertility Society of Australia (FSA) with the aim of promoting excellence among the professionals working in the field of assist...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/factors-affecting-the-ivf-success-rate
Esco Malaysia once again hosted a webinar for IVF professionals across Malaysia last April 21, 2021. The 2-hour webinar talked about time – lapse (TL) technology, embryo culture management, and an overview of Esco Medical’s product portfolio.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-my-hosts-tl-technology-and-embryo-culture-management-webinar
Every stage in an IVF procedure will require the use of efficient, feature-packed equipment. The MIRI® Multiroom IVF incubator is an important must-have in laboratories today due to its ability to monitor and control environmental factors affecting embryo development.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-role-of-miri-multiroom-incubator-during-in-vitro-fertilization-ivf
In vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics optimize multiple factors to achieve successful IVF outcomes, several of which are patient-related and others are manageable by IVF incubators.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/obtaining-successful-ivf-outcomes-with-the-miri-ii-multiroom-incubator
Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system that interferes with a couple’s ability to have a baby. According to statistics, infertility strikes over 6 million women (15-20% of all couples); and that it affects both men and women regardless of race and ethnicity.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/infertility-in-a-nutshell
Incubators are some of the most indispensable devices within an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) laboratory. Through the years, these incubators have undergone various changes and advances in their physical form and design, to their features. From the conventional CO2 incubators to the bench-top models...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/dry-and-humidity-incubators-whats-the-difference
It has been recommended by several researches that a successful embryo culture during In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycles is influenced by various factors, and in turn, have an impact on both the implantation and pregnancy rates since embryo quality is likely affected.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/conditions-for-a-successful-embryo-culture-in-ivf
With Esco Medical’s desire to provide opportunity to teach potential customers, conducting relevant webinars have been our go-to way of helping them recognize the benefits of our products.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-holds-webinar-for-india-ivf-professionals
There have been several studies tackling different methods for embryo selection to achieve a shorter period of time for a successful pregnancy. One example would be the use of Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) to identify the presence of aneuploidy in embryos that are claimed to have lower imp...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/ivf-time-lapse-technology-for-human-embryo-culture
The growing interest and use of time-lapse technology (TLT) systems in IVF clinics and laboratories through the years has become a key instrument in the success of facilitating embryo monitoring.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-malaysia-holds-miri-tl-webinar
Esco Medical, as the leading manufacturer and innovator of high-quality equipment for the IVF industry, offers one of the most unique incubator designs.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/taking-a-closer-look-at-miri-ivf-incubators
Stress or mental distress, in general, is a feeling induced by stressors that causes one to feel angry, frustrated, and uneasy.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/stress-related-infertility-fact-or-myth
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-april-june-2021
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-january-march-2021
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-october-december-2020
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-july-sept-2020
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-april-june-2020
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-january-march-2020
The moment the coronavirus started spreading across the globe, the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) and the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) promptly released an advisory to infertility patients concerned with COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/avoid-the-risk-of-infection-use-an-appropriate-workstation
Infertility usually tackles and involves more in the female factor than the males and therefore more studies were done to assess how female factor problems should be addressed.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/male-factor-in-infertility-of-couples
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. There are varying symptoms experienced and its general prevalence is assumed to be between 3% and 10%.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/pcos-and-infertility-treatment-by-ivf
Are you worried that your efficiency in the lab maybe affected because your IVF lab has limited space? Yet, the need for an essential workstation is inevitable.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-new-maw-3-feet-0-9m-model-small-footprint-big-benefits
World Embryologists Day was created to celebrate the advances in the field of reproductive medicine and to recognize the IVF professionals and all other authorities in this field. The date, July 25th was chosen, because it is the birthday of the first IVF baby, Louise Joy Brown, who was born in the...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/embryologist-day-tribute-from-esco-medical
When a couple is trying to have their own baby, one will be offered with countless methods and infertility options that could possibly help in building a family.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/fertility-drugs-and-their-role-in-ivf
While it is true that the embryo culture medium is one crucial factor that might affect the outcome of any given cycle in IVF laboratories, some other factors including pipette tips, holding tube, and of course the culture dish which holds the medium and the embryos, play a major role in ensuring th...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/facts-about-the-esco-medical-culturecoin
With the use of innovative clinical procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI), assisted reproductive technology (ART) has undertaken noteworthy growth over the past two decades. One tech...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/microscopes-for-esco-ivf-workstations
Incubators are essential laboratory equipment especially in IVF clinics. They are mainly used in different biological procedures that allow and support the growth and development of organisms in ideal conditions of carbon dioxide/ oxygen, temperature, and humidity.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/sensors-in-incubators
With the sudden shift in operating businesses and keeping an open line of communication with business partners, clients and potential customers, online discourse through webinars have become a part of the “new normal”.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-holds-webinars-on-optimizing-incubation
With the outbreak of the pandemic, COVID-19 has not only affected the world by spreading sickness but also changed the flow of everyone’s daily routine creating the “New Normal”.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-ivf-industry-embracing-the-new-normal
One of the crucial goals for an embryologist is to advance the quality of embryo development in the IVF laboratory. A major consideration in this undertaking is reducing the stressors of gametes and embryos experience during handling and manipulations within an in vitro environment.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/optimizing-culture-conditions-through-ph-monitoring
The COVID-19 pandemic has been dominating global headlines in recent times. It is indeed worrying for everyone, and it is uncertain how the situation will pan out in the coming months. Nonetheless, Esco would like to assure all our customers that we are with you in these trying times. We have your b...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/covid-19-response-a-letter-to-our-customers
Esco Medical joins the “53rd Annual Meeting Physiology & Pathology of Reproduction simultaneously 45th Veterinary-Human Medicine Community Meeting". The conference that will focus on the topics "Well-being and Fertility" and "Reproduction Management and Maternal Health" will take place at the Hotel...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joins-the-53-rd-annual-meeting-physiology-pathology-of-reproduction
Another MIRI® Time – Lapse workshop was successfully held, this time at the Kaunas Clinic of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania last December 9 – 10, 2019. The event is a partnership of Esco Medical with the Baltic Fertility Society and UAB Medlinkas.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-miri-tl-workshop-comes-to-kaunas-lithuania
The Congreso Peruano de Medicina Reproductiva (or Peruvian Congress of Reproductive Medicine) was recently held at the Swissotel Lima in Lima, Peru from November 21-23, 2019.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medicals-miri-tl-exhibited-at-the-19th-congreso-peruano-de-medicina-reproductiva
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the fastest developing fields of medicine. And with breakthroughs like time-lapse technology, embryo monitoring has allowed continuous, non-invasive embryo observation without the need to remove the embryo from optimal culturing conditions – resulting in higher...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-dubai-hosts-miri-tl-workshop
The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Reproductive Medicine (JSRM) and General Assembly were successfully held last November 8-9, 2019 at the Kobe International Conference Center in Japan.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-participates-at-jsrm-2019
The Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS) is a specialized society whose mission is to progress fertility care of couples in the Arab world. Through the years, the MEFS has become an essential platform to increase medical knowledge dissemination and the advancement of scientific researches through co...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-the-26th-mefs-annual-congress
The annual conference of ÖGRM-IVGG (a combined Congress of the Austrian Society for Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology and the In Vitro Society of Austrian Embryologists) was held last October 17-19, 2019 at Festspielhaus, Bregenz, Austria.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-exhibits-at-the-annual-ogrm-ivgg
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 2019 Scientific Congress and Expo has just been concluded at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-asrm-s-diamond-anniversary-a-success
Esco Medical successfully took part in showcasing innovative ART technologies at the recently concluded Annual Conference of the Fertility Society of Australia (FSA) held last September 14-18, 2019 at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joins-fsa-2019
Esco Medical has successfully conducted a MIRI® Time-lapse workshop last September 8-11, 2019 at the Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, as part of their one-year Master of Clinical Embryology studen...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-holds-tl-workshop-at-monash-university
Esco Medical conducted a successful MIRI® Time-lapse workshop at the Ambassador Hotel Bangkok, Thailand from August 19-23, 2019. A total of 40 embryologists from Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Macau, India, Vietnam, and Korea attended the workshop.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-organized-a-time-lapse-workshop-in-thailand
Esco Medical participated at the 37th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Fertilization and Implantation (JSFI) with the theme, Reproductive Diversity: Exploring Reproductive Diversity, on August 1-2, 2019 at the Keio Plaza, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan where it was attended by hundreds of clinicians and...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/arigato-gozaimashita-from-esco-medical-at-the-jsfi-37-th-annual-meeting
Esco Medical conducted a MIRI® TL workshop in Norfolk, Virginia, USA from 15th - 19th of July, 2019. The workshop was conducted in collaboration with Helena Russell at Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS), as part of their Reproductive Clinical Science,...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-miri-tl-workshop-at-eastern-virginia-medical-school
Esco Medical successfully took part in showcasing innovative ART technologies on the recently concluded 27th International Congress of Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of Malaysia (OGSM) held last 18th to 21st of July 2019 at the Setia SPICE Convention Centre, Penang, Malaysia.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-partakes-at-the-27th-intl-congress-of-ogsm
Esco Medical invites you to an exclusive hands-on workshop in Time-Lapse Technology on July 19-23, 2019 at Bangkok, Thailand.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/tl-workshop-thailand
Esco Medical successfully took part in the recently concluded 25th Annual Philippine Society of Reproductive Medicine (PSRM) Convention held on 16th to 18th of July 2019 at Edsa Shangri-la Hotel, Mandaluyong City, Philippines.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-psrm-2019
Esco Medical has the distinct honour of installing the very first MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator and MIRI® Multiroom Incubator in one of the biggest IVF clinics in Ethiopia — St. Paul Hospital in Addis Ababa.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-first-miri-and-miri-tl-in-ethiopia
Esco Medical joined the recently concluded 35th Annual European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Meeting last 23rd to 26th of June 2019 at Messe Wien Exhibition Congress Center in Vienna, Austria.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-goes-to-vienna
Esco Medical, in partnership with UNICA Clinic, conducted a hands-on time-lapse workshop. It was held at the UNICA Prague clinic in the Czech Republic from the 24th to the 25th of April 2019.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-and-unica-organized-a-joint-workshop
Esco Medical China conducted a 2-day MIRI® Time-Lapse workshop held on May 25-26, 2019. It was held at Qingdao East, China, and participated by 24 embryologists from IVF clinics across the country.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-china-holds-miri-time-lapse-workshop
Esco Medical China attended the annual Chinese Society of Reproductive Medicine (CARM) Meeting held on May 10-12, 2019 at the SICEC (Strait International Convention and Exhibition Center) in Fuzhou, China.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-participated-at-carm-2019
Esco Medical participated at the 9th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2019) on May 2-5, 2019. It was held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Hong Kong.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joined-aspire-2019
Esco Medical joined the Scientists in Reproductive Technology (SIRT) mid-year Meeting at the Mantra on View Hotel, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia on May 4-5, 2019.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-heads-to-australia-for-sirt-2019
Esco Medical attended the 7th Study Group of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (SGART) Conference on April 20 – 21, 2019. The event was held at The Reverie Saigon in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-attended-7th-sgart-conference
Esco Medical South Africa successfully conducted a 4-day MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator workshop held on February 25-28 at Unit 2 Landsmark Avenue, Kosmosdal Ext II, Centurion and participated by 25 embryologists from IVF clinics all over South Africa.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-held-a-time-lapse-workshop-in-south-africa
Esco Medical attended the annual Danish Fertility Meeting held on March 9-10 at Hotel Legoland in Billund, Denmark. With around 300 people representing clinics all over Denmark, this event is certainly a success.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-participated-at-the-annual-danish-fertility-meeting
The Japanese Society of Clinical Embryologists (JSCE) held its annual conference on January 12 to 13 in Hiroshima, with the hope to raise the level of infertility treatment through knowledge sharing and training.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-the-jsce-2019-hiroshima-japan
The Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine (KARM) held their 10th International Congress in Almaty from 23rd – 24th November 2018.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-visited-almaty-kazakhstan
Esco Medical with our local partners Spectrun Bio Engenharia Médica Hospitalar Ltda, exhibited our products at the 28th CBRH Conference (Congresso Brasileiro de Reprocução Humana) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, from 14 to 16 November 2018. The event was attended by over 650 Brazilian gynecologists and e...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-the-cbrh-brazil
Esco Medical participated as an exhibitor at the 26th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI). The congress was held at the Queen Elizabeth II Convention Center in beautiful London on November 23-25 2018.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joined-cogi-2018
On October 18, 2018 the first MIRI® Multiroom Incubator has been installed in Ghana, at the Finney Hospital and Fertility Centre. The Finney Hospital and Fertility Centre has the distinct honor of being the first IVF center established in Ghana, is considered as a gold standard for IVF in the countr...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/first-miri-installation-in-ghana
Esco Medical, a global and leading IVF equipment-manufacturing company, has concluded a successful MIRI® Time-Lapse (TL) workshop at the Grand Hotel Taipei in Taiwan, 11th to 12th November 2018.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-organized-a-miri-tl-workshop-in-taiwan
Esco Medical conducted a MIRI® TL workshop in Melbourne, Australia, from 5th - 7th of November, 2018. The workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Monash University, as part of their one-year Master of Clinical Embryology student program.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-miri-tl-workshop-at-monash-university-melbourne
SINGAPORE, Nov. 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Esco Medical, the IVF medical technology business unit of the Esco Group, today announced that it has received the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) approval on the MIRI® Time-Lapse and MIRI® Multiroom embryo incubators.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-secures-cfda-approval-on-the-miri-sup-sup-tl-and-miri-sup-sup-embryo-incubators
Esco Medical had the pleasure to attend the 74th congress of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) in Denver, Colorado, from 6th - 10th October 2018. The mile-high city of Denver proved to be a great location for the ASRM congress. Experts of the IVF world gathered from pole to pole...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/thank-you-for-visiting-us-in-the-u-s-asrm-2018
Esco Medical is happy to annnounce that the next TL Workshop series will take place at the hidden gem of Asia: Taiwan! The sessions will be conducted at the Grand Hotel Taipei from 11 November 2018 to 12 November 2018.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/tl-workshop-taiwan-2018
Esco Medical attended the 23ʳᵈ FFER (Fédération Française d’Etude de la Reproduction / French Federation on Reproduction Research) Congress, held on 12-14 September 2018, in the picturesque city of Lyon, France. More than 600 participants gathered together and took part in this prestigious annual ev...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-the-23-ffer-conference
Esco Medical is proud to participate in the upcoming 2018 American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Scientific Congress and Expo in Denver, Colorado on October 6-10, 2018. We will have live demonstration of our MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator to be facilitated by MIRI® TL super-users. Our feature...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/8-2-1-lights-camera-miri-time-lapse-in-action
Esco Medical conducted a 5-day MIRI® Time-lapse (TL) workshop at the Holiday Inn Express in Katong - Singapore, from August 27 to August 31, 2018. The workshop was attended by clinicians and embryologists from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-holds-miri-tl-workshop-in-singapore
The 34th Annual Meeting of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) was held at Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona, Placa de Willy Brandt, Barcelona, Spain on July 1-4, 2018. The prestigious event gathered more than 12,000 participants from 130 countries around the...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-at-eshre-2018
Esco Medical is excited to conduct a series of MIRI® TL workshop this year. The sessions will be held Holiday Inn Express in Katong, Singapore starting August 27 and will continue until August 31, 2018. The comprehensive program includes a full day lecture on the first day, and a hands-on session on...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-tl-workshop-2018
We are proud to announce the new Esco MIRI® TL6 Time-Lapse Incubator with a much smaller footprint and more powerful software tools.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-new-miri-tl6-smaller-and-bette
Embryo incubation and the selection of embryos is a critical step in IVF treatments. Esco for years have supported customers worldwide with a highly accurate, reliable and completely certified incubator with MIRI® Multiroom Incubator, actually with more than 1,500 units installed worldwide.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/why-do-we-advocate-miri-time-lapse-technology-for-embryo-culture
Esco Group breaks ground on its Jiangsu Innovation Center, a new 20,000m2 manufacturing and innovation complex located in Taicang, Suzhou, Jiangsu, just 50km from central Shanghai.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-invests-rmb100-million-into-new-20-000m-innovation-center-in-china
SINGAPORE, June 14, 2018 — Esco Group to acquire AT Medical UAB, an Esco Ventures portfolio company, to accelerate development of the Esco life sciences ecosystem and delivery of innovative fertility technologies.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-group-to-acquire-at-medical-uab
We successfully took part in showcasing innovative IVF technologies during the 8th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative for Reproduction (ASPIRE) held last April 13 -15 at the Taipei International Convention Centre.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/life-has-begun-during-the-8th-congress-of-the-aspire
See you at the COPS 2018!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/council-of-physicians-scientists-meeting-2018
We successfully took part in showcasing innovative IVF technologies during the 8th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative for Reproduction (ASPIRE) held last April 13 -15 at the Taipei International Convention Centre.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/dont-miss-out-the-8th-congress-of-the-asia-pacific-initiative-on-reproduction-in-taipei
We have something to show you...We are delighted to attend the 66th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Reproductive Society for you to find out more about our products.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/66th-annual-meeting-pacific-coast-reproductive-society-fertility-innovations
We can’t stress enough that the moment embryos are exposed to the unstable environment; they may suffer from undesirable shock or stress. Hence, the stability and accuracy of the incubator plays an important role in ensuring a stable environment – temperature, gas parameters and pH.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/understanding-the-need-to-constantly-validate-your-incubators
A careful manipulation of gamete and embryos has always been an important element of embryology as it contributes to the overall success of ART.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/why-maintaining-correct-co-sub-2-sub-concentration-is-important
The embryos are fragile little beings and have a limited ability to regulate their internal pH (Swain, 2010). Embryos cannot regulate pH until it becomes a blastocyst at Day 5. Thus, it is important to put careful attention to external factors that affect pH of the culture media in IVF.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/everything-you-need-to-know-about-safe-sens
Thank you for being part of a successful ASRM event this year. We are glad about the great responses we’ve received and we are looking forward to being part of your IVF laboratory in the future.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/asrm-2017-a-huge-success
We are all excited to see you at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Scientific Congress and Expo on October 28-November 1, 2017 at Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/see-you-at-the-asrm-2017-scientific-congress-and-expo
New technologies are now available to help assess the potential of the embryo to implant and the chances of being chromosomally normal. Time-lapse embryo monitoring allows continuous, noninvasive embryo observation without the need to remove the embryo from its optimal culturing conditions.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/better-success-with-pgs-and-time-lapse-synergy
When embryos are cultured in the lab, they are housed in incubators where gas and temperature levels are closely monitored to mimic the environment of a woman’s fallopian tube.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/why-gas-and-temperature-stability-matter
We continue to innovate our products and develop new technologies that help improve your current IVF routine. This year at ESHRE, we are revealing something BIG and something SMALL.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/don-t-miss-the-big-reveal-visit-us-at-eshre-2017-booth-g37
In Denmark, the annual birth is around 60,000 babies. Research suggests that there is a direct correlation between age and fertility. For the past 20 years, data shows that the average age of couples having their first child has increased by two years; with an average age of 30-years old for the mot...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/caught-in-the-difficult-balance-of-time-to-pregnancy
In vitro fertilization or IVF is a type of assisted reproductive technique used to help couples to achieve conception. Embryo culture using an incubator is one of the processes involved in an IVF procedure wherein a stable and ambient environment for the embryos is created and maintained.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/advantages-of-using-miri-ga-in-validation-of-ivf-incubators
The Mini MIRI® Incubator is built from the strong and reliable MIRI® Multiroom Incubator. It is a humidified incubator that provides safe incubation environment for embryos.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/compact-yet-powerful-ivf-incubator
A woman’s body is created to nurture and safely carry a baby. With the changes it undergoes throughout the time of pregnancy, you will be truly amazed on how the body responds to provide the best incubation environment for the embryo.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-tl-and-miri-fashioned-after-your-perfect-body
Come and see us at the 7th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE) this 30 March - 02 April 2017 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/meet-us-at-aspire-2017
Esco Medical understands the importance of keeping your samples safe at all times. To maximize every step in your IVF routine, we have integrated the MIRI® Chambers into the workstation to provide a safe and stable temporary shelter for your precious samples while you do your observation and manipul...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/product-spotlight-esco-multi-zone-art-workstation-with-miri-chambers
Evaluation of embryos in vitro has significantly improved over the past years with the introduction of time-lapse technology, which provides us with new tools to assess the morphological characteristics and implantation potential of an embryo.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/are-we-on-the-same-page-a-guide-to-time-lapse-nomenclature-and-annotation
Easy quality control and validation are factors to consider when buying an IVF incubator as absence of such may affect successful outcomes. Gametes and embryos optimally grow by ensuring that they get the right environment – optimal gas concentration, stable temperature and right pH.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-incubators-with-excellent-quality-control-features
Blood Cell Storage, Inc. (BCSI) and Esco Medical announced the signing of a contract for the integration of the SAFE Sens® TrakPod within the MIRI family of benchtop incubators.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-and-mini-miri-to-use-world%E2%80%99s-most-advanced-continuous-ph-monitoring-system
Diana Stein, embryologist for over 30 years and Lab Director of Laniado Hospital-Sanz Medical Center (Israel) and a MIRI® Time-Lapse user, had an initial impression after a quick look of the embryo status morning of Day 2 to transfer the embryo on the right, based on its more advanced and slightly b...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/what-are-you-missing-without-time-lapse-2
The Reproductive and Genetics Institute of the Chongqing Obstetrics & Gynecology Hospital successfully held the 18th Chongqing ART conference from November 3-5, 2016 at the Sofitel Hotel, Chongqing, China.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joins-the-18th-chongqing-art-conference-joint-session-with-alpha
We hope that you enjoyed witnessing the various products that were showcased during the exhibit: MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator, MIRI® Multiroom Incubator, Mini MIRI® Incubator, Semi-Closed Environment (SCE) IVF, and Esco Multi-Zone ART Workstation with built-in MIRI® chambers.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/thank-you-for-seeing-us-during-the-asrm-show
We are bringing new and exciting products to this year's ASRM annual meeting. Esco Medical is massively expanding its IVF product portfolio to enhance your current IVF workflow routine. Please see us at Booth 1731
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/we-are-excited-for-asrm
The Esco MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubator and the MIRI® Multiroom Incubator are now registered in the Singapore Medical Device Registry (SMDR), a database of all medical devices registered for use in human being under the Singapore Health Product Act (Medical Device Regulation).
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-incubators-now-smdr-registered
We are one with this year's ASRM theme, "Scaling New Heights in Reproductive Medicine," in raising the bar higher with innovations and technologies that will further propel reproductive success.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/raising-the-bar-higher-this-asrm-2016
Many IVF laboratories around the world shifted to using MIRI® Multiroom Incubator because of the benefits it offers; Minimum-stress environment for your precious embryos. That is what the MIRI® is for! The six chambers, designed to prevent cross-contamination, are entirely independent of each other....
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/ivf-labs-in-the-world-have-already-discovered-the-benefits-of-the-miri-multiroom-incubator
For those couples who dream of being parents, pregnancy problems can be tremendously frustrating and at some point depressing. The WHO reported that one out of eight couples is inflicted with infertility.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-trend-doing-time-lapse-monitoring-together-with-pgs
Just a few of the things you'll love about the MIRI® Time-Lapse, packed with features you'll surely want to have in an IVF incubator.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-tl-reasons-to-switch-to-time-lapse-monitoring
Thank you for visiting Esco Medical during the ESHRE 2016 event, held on 03 ~ 07 July at the Messukeskus Exhibition and Convention Centre, Helsinki, Finland. The show was a huge success and we attribute it to you and to everyone who visited us in our booth.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/thank-you-for-being-part-of-our-success-during-the-eshre-2016-show
Esco Medical successfully held a two-day workshop on the Miri Time-Lapse Techniques last June 9-10 at the Kepler University Linz, Austria. It was attended by six (6) senior embryologists from Austria, Germany, and Hungary who all experienced an actual lab handson training with the Miri TL.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-holds-miri-tl-workshop-in-linz-austria
Esco Medical, the IVF business unit of the Esco Group, announced that it has received the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance on the Miri® Time-Lapse Embryo Incubator.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-secures-fda-clearance-for-commercial-distribution-of-miri-tl-a-proprietary-next-generation-time-lapse-embryo-incubator-for-ivf
Esco Medical, the IVF business unit of the Esco Group, today announced that it has received the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 510(k) clearance on the Miri® Time-Lapse Embryo Incubator.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-miri-tl-incubator-granted-fda-510-k-clearance
The 6th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2016) aims to address, share and discuss significant development and scientific advancements in fertility preservation, embryology, andrology, PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome),
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/meet-our-embryo-incubators-at-aspire-congress-2016
The new Esco Miri® is a revolution in form and functionality for CO2 incubators for in vitro fertilization (IVF). With 6 chambers, the Miri is a multi-room incubator that allows users to access their cultures in one chamber without affecting the neighboring chambers.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/vip-treatment-for-cultured-embryos-in-ivf
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-july-september-2021
This year's theme is Bigger and Better! Esco Medical is massively expanding its fleet on the different products to further enhance your current IVF workflow routine.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/new-ivf-products-to-unveil-at-eshre-2016
With the uncertainty and limitations brought about by the on-going pandemic across the world, most (if not all) important gatherings (like conferences and congresses) have either been cancelled or have been put into hold.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joins-the-1st-ivf-worldwide-online-congress-in-reproductive-medicine
As the restrictions on traveling decrease and more countries open borders to the world, Esco Medical continues conducting training sessions for its service engineers. After a long break, training was held in Kaunas, Lithuania, on September 28 – 30, 2021.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-hosts-service-engineers-hands-on-training-session
The 77th Scientific Congress & Expo of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) has just culminated last October 21 at the Baltimore Convention Center in the “Charm City” of Baltimore, Maryland, USA after running for 5 days.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/asrm-reimagined
The cleanroom technology installed and validated by Esco at AccuArt Fertility Center Philippines provides controlled room humidity and temperature and filters air contaminants, dust, and volatile organic compounds.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/accu-art-fertility-center-philippines
Esco Medical’s MIRI® II-12 is a “one-chamber-per-patient” kind of multiroom incubator. And a new, limited-edition look has been launched to celebrate our 10th year anniversary.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-ii-12-limited-edition
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-october-december-2021
An IVF workstation (like the Esco Medical Multi-zone ART Workstation – MAW) is a device wherein air is taken in from above the cabinet and passes through an ULPA filter.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/why-use-an-ivf-workstation-in-your-lab
Learn the benefits of ICSI, the Importance of an Anti-Vibration Table and the Use of an Appropriate IVF Microscope.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/icsi-and-the-importance-of-an-anti-vibration-table
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-january-march-2022
The yearly meeting of embryologists from two countries - Germany (Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Reproduktionsbiologie des Menschen/ AGRBM), and Austria (Embryologenforum Austria/ EFA) happened in Salzburg, Austria from April 01 – 03, 2022.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-participates-at-the-3rd-zweilander-treffen-of-agrbm-and-efa-2022
Carbon filters are used to remove toxic gases, hazardous fumes, and odors. These filters are constructed from high-quality carbon pellets and durable chemical-resistant cases
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/know-more-about-how-carbon-filters-work
We are proud to announce that we have successfully installed the first MIRI® Time-Lapse (TL) 6-chamber incubator at the Natal Fertility Clinic in Southern Africa last March 30, 2022.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-spotted-miri-tl-in-southern-africa
Learn why Co-Sy Fertility Clinic, a leading fertility center in the Philippines is grateful to Esco Medical. Read more!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/ivf-journey-co-sy-fertility-clinic-pampanga-philippines
Here's how Vertical Laminar Flow Workstations can be used in assisted reproductive treatment. Read on to learn more about ART and IVF.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/he-role-of-multi-zone-art-vertical-laminar-flow-workstations-in-assisted-reproductive-treatment-or-in-vitro-fertilization
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-april-june-2022
Esco Lifesciences Group (“Esco”, the “Company”) announces the full acquisition of Evidence Solution (“Evidence”), a Danish software company offering In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) management technologies and quality management systems (“Evidence witness system”). Evidence witness system is a witnessin...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-lifesciences-group-strengthens-ivf-portfolio-by-acquiring-evidence-solution
How did Esco Medical help Shree IVF Clinic in achieving its IVF goals? Read more!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/shree-ivf-clinic-the-highest-rated-fertility-clinic-in-mumbai
The 38th European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology(ESHRE) Annual Meeting was held at the Milano Convention Centre (MiCo), Milan, Italy, from July 3 to 6, 2022. Esco Medical has been participating yearly as an exhibitor, and this year was made more exciting as new products were launched.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-the-38th-eshre-annual-meeting
The “Esco Medical Workshop 2022” was held last June 24-26, 2022, at the Avillion Resort Hotel, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The 3-day event consisted of product demonstration of Esco Medical Equipment.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-malaysia-hosts-1st-esco-medical-workshop
Anti Vibration Table (AVT): Everything You Need To Know
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/anti-vibration-table-avt-everything-you-need-to-know
Milann has been in partnership with Esco since 2015, with the MIRI® Multiroom Incubator and Esco CelCulture® CO2 Incubator as the first set of equipment installed in their clinic.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/milann-fertility-clinic-trusts-esco-multiroom-ivf-and-co-incubators
There are three common Micromanipulation Procedures used in ART: ICSI, Assisted Hatching, and PGD. Read on to learn more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/micromanipulation-procedures-in-assisted-reproductive-technology-art
Mayors Eye Gynaecology & Fertility Clinic in Kamla Nagar, Delhi is a well-known establishment that acts as a one-stop destination servicing customers both local and from other parts of Delhi.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/mayors-eye-gynaecology-fertility-clinic-commends-escos-co2-incubator
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-july-september-2022
According to studies, there is no significant difference in pregnancy rates in IUI and IVF cycles using fresh vs. frozen sperm. Read on to learn more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/fresh-and-frozen-sperm-for-intrauterine-insemination-iui-and-in-vitro-fertilization-ivf-cycles
Check out the highlights of the Academy of Clinical Embryologists 10th International Congress. Read more!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-and-dss-imagetech-joined-the-10th-international-congress-of-ace
Learn more about the installation of MIRI ® TL in Asia Pacific Institute of Embryology
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-tl-at-asia-pacific-institute-of-embryology
Read on to learn more about how humidification systems work in embryo incubators.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/how-humidification-systems-work-in-embryo-incubators
Check out the highlights of the Academy of the ASRM Scientific Congress and Expo. Read more!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joins-asrm2022
Check out the highlights of the Thai Society for Reproductive Medicine. Read more!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-thailand-joins-tsrm-2022
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-october-december-2022
Esco Medical once again participated the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS) last December 16-17, 2022 at Conrad Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-joined-the-annual-middle-east-fertility-society-mefs-in-the-uae
Many ART procedures have important legal, practical, and even ethical concerns that should be carefully considered before moving forward with the process. Read on to learn more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/buying-tips-assisted-reproductive-technology-art-workstation
Time-lapse imaging is an IVF tool or technique that plays a vital role in identifying cleavage abnormalities. Read on to learn more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/identifying-cleavage-abnormalities-using-time-lapse-imaging
Check the highlights of the 27th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR 2023). Read More!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-at-the-27th-annual-conference-of-the-indian-society-of-assisted-reproduction-isar-2023
Discover why Yash Test Tube Baby Centre is a happy customer of Esco Medical Products and Services. Read more!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/yash-test-tube-baby-centre-a-satisfied-customer-of-esco-medical-products-and-services
Dr. Kedar’s Hospital & Infertility Clinic in India sends appreciation letter recognizing exceptional quality of products and services provided. Read More.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/esco-medical-receives-a-letter-of-appreciation-from-dr-kedars-hospital-infertility-clinic
Embryo Grading is an essential tool in the embryo selection process. Read on to learn more about the embryo grading process.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/embryo-grading-in-in-vitro-fertilization-ivf
An IVF laboratory may have Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Learn more about VOCs and how to manage VOC levels in an IVF laboratory.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/olatile-organic-compounds-vocs-in-an-ivf-laboratory
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/mednews-esco-medical-newsletter-issue-13
Here's everything you need to know about the role of Embryologists in IVF Treatments.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/the-role-of-an-embryologist-in-ivf-treatment-success
IVF Culture Media play an important role in achieving successful outcomes in IVF cycles. Read on to learn more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/ivf-culture-media-importance-and-types
Esco Medical Selects Fairtility's CHLOE EQ™ as AI Decision Support Tool for MIRI® Time-Lapse Incubators
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-selects-fairtilitys-chloe-eq-as-ai-decision-support-tool-for-miri-time-lapse-incubators
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-january-march-2023
Blastocyst transfer increases implantation, reduces multiple pregnancies, and improves assisted reproductive technology outcomes.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/importance-of-blastocyst-in-achieving-higher-pregnancy-rate
Both single and group embryos have unique properties. While widely acknowledged, group culture may lead to higher-quality development.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/single-culture-vs-group-culture
Embryo transfer determines the success or failure of the IVF/ICSI cycle. Should choose to transfer frozen or fresh embryos to increase the pregnancy rate?
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/fresh-vs-frozen-embryo
Human Sperm Cryopreservation: Update on Techniques and Implications for Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/human-sperm-preservation
Oocyte cryopreservation is a medical procedure to preserve a woman's eggs. This technique enables women to postpone pregnancy to a later point in time.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/planned-oocyte-cryopreservation-empowering-womens-fertility-choices-in-art
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-july-september-2023
Esco India is making waves in the field of reproductive medicine with the opening of its training center in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-india-unveils-training-center-in-bengaluru
Explore PGT (Preimplantation Genetic Testing). Learn about the benefits, processes, & applications of PGT to maximize the chances of successful fertilization.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/preimplantation-genetic-testing-pgt-in-art
Discover how AI-driven advancements are reshaping the future of assisted reproduction. Read to learn more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/artificial-intelligence-in-art
September was a bustling month for Esco Medical, as the company actively engaged in numerous global events.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-showcasing-cutting-edge-ivf-solutions-at-multiple-events
PICSI is an advanced form of ICSI used in assisted reproductive technique.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/picsi-physiological-intracytoplasmic-sperm-injection
Mosaic embryos consist of different proportions of abnormal and normal cells within the embryo. These mosaic cell populations result from mitotic errors.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/managing-mosaic-embryos-in-preimplantation-genetic-testing-for-aneuploidy
Non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing (niPGT): the next revolution technologies in reproductive genetics in IVF
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/non-invasive-preimplantation-genetic-testing-nipgt
Create Fertility Private Limited, located in Bangalore, Karnataka, is a fertility center that has been serving its community since 2020. They expanded their services with the installation of Esco Medical equipment, specifically the CelCulture® CO₂ Incubator in April 2023 and the Mini MIRI® in Octobe...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/a-customers-satisfaction-story-create-fertility-private-limited
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-october-december-2023
Read on the impact of the sperm DNA fragmentation index on outcomes in ART and its correlation with semen parameters and lifestyle factors.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/sperm-dna-fragmentation-in-assisted-reproductive-technology
Rescue ICSI can be performed can be performed as the last ray of hope in case of failed fertilization. Read to know more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/rescue-intra-cytoplasmic-sperm-injection-icsi
Impact, Strategies, and Interventions of Adenomyosis and Endometriosis on IVF/ICSI
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/adenomyosis-and-endometriosis
Discover and learn more about the trending method of Artificial Oocyte Activation (AOA) in IVF/ICSI
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/artificial-oocyte-activation-aoa
The choice of a sperm selection depends on semen quality. Efficiently identifying sperm cells with reduced DNA damage can lead to improved pregnancy rates.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/methods-of-sperm-selection
Improper pH homeostasis could be one of the reasons for unexplained infertility. Read to know more.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/ph-and-infertility
Discover and learn more about the Electronic Witness systems in IVF laboratories
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/electronic-witness-systems-in-ivf-laboratories
Creation of an AI-based embryo witnessing system aiming to precisely monitor and identify embryos unique to each patient in the human context.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/automation-in-art-shaping-the-future-of-treatments-for-infertility
Esco Medical and Saksham Scientific held a hands-on IVF Time-lapse technology training at Meluha The Fern in Mumbai on February 24th.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/empowering-innovation-esco-medical-hosts-product-overview-and-hands-on-training-session-in-mumbai-india
Esco Vietnam marked its presence at the Clinical Embryology Conference (C.E.C) 2024, held on March 9th at the Intercontinental Hotel in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/unlocking-opportunities-esco-vietnams-engagement-at-the-clinical-embryology-conference-cec-2024
Electronic Witnessing System is preferred over the Manual Witnessing in the IVF Lab to avoid mismatch in samples
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/manual-witnessing-vs-electronic-witnessing-system-in-the-ivf-lab
Be in the know! Stay up-to-date with our latest news and innovations on reproductive biotechnology with the Esco Medical Newsletter. Download our Newsletter now!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-newsletter-january-march-2024
Esco Medical, Fertkel Healthcare Engineers, and Vishal Lifesciences joined forces to host an Esco Medical Product Overview and Hands-on Training event. More details!
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-and-fertkel-engineers-host-product-overview-and-hands-on-training-in-india
Empowering Lives: Esco Medical Joins Walking Egg Project for Affordable Infertility Care in South Africa
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/empowering-lives-esco-medical-joins-walking-egg-project-for-affordable-infertility-care-in-south-africa
Increase production capacity. Innovation. R&D. Sustainability. Take a look at our new manufacturing facility in Lithuania and learn more about how we can better serve you.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/new-esco-medical-technologies-plant-in-lithuania-to-drive-production-capacity-innovation-and-service-excellence
Esco Medical, a division of Esco Lifesciences Group, is excited to introduce the newly designed MIRI® Laminar Flow cabinet for your IVF clinic or laboratory.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/introducing-esco-medicals-cutting-edge-miri-laminar-flow-cabinet
Situated in Dhaka, Uttara Fertility Centre is among the top IVF centers in Bangladesh that specialize in fertility. The center offers a wide range of fertility services such as IVF, IUI, ICSI, and egg/sperm freezing, along with infertility treatments.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight/enhancing-ivf-capabilities-new-esco-miri-multiroom-incubator-and-art-workstation-at-a-fertility-clinic-in-dhaka
Enhanced Time-Lapse Incubation with Clearer Images and Undisturbed Embryo Development.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-tl-the-best-keeps-getting-better
Upgrade your IVF success with the MIRI® TL Incubator by Esco Medical. Featuring advanced software, AI integration, and enhanced efficiency, it’s designed to transform fertility care.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/exploring-the-advanced-features-of-the-miri-tl-incubator-and-its-impact-on-ivf-clinics
Esco Medical partners with Fairtility to integrate AI-powered embryo assessment into MIRI® TL incubators, enhancing IVF clinic efficiency and improving patient outcomes.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-partners-with-fairtility-to-offer-integrated-ai-on-miri-tl-incubators
Esco Medical partners with MIM Fertility to integrate AI-powered EMBRYOAID® into MIRI® TL Incubators, enhancing embryo assessment, optimizing IVF workflows, and improving patient outcomes.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/esco-medical-unlocks-new-partnership-in-ai-with-mim-fertility
Expanding its presence in Brazil, Esco Medical partners with Handle Comércio to provide fertility clinics with industry-leading IVF technologies and dedicated local support.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/exclusive-partnership-esco-medical-establishes-alliance-with-handle-comercio-de-equipamentos-medicos-ltda-to-advance-ivf-solutions-in-brazil
Discover how MIRI® Evidence enhances IVF laboratory operations with advanced witnessing technology, ensuring accuracy, traceability, and security in every procedure.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news/miri-evidence-as-the-ultimate-witnessing-system-for-an-ivf-laboratory
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/home
Get all the information about Esco Medical’s line of products. For a quick overview of our products, check out the individual flyers. A more detailed material is what you need? Download our brochure and catalog. Interested in our devices’ manual? Click on the product’s user manual button.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/products
Our customer success stories serve as helpful guidance thus we want to share these stories in a meaningful way. We are proud of our products and services, but even more so when our customer’s lives are better because of these. Listen to our stories as they echo our company image and the type of clie...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/customer-spotlight
Learn more about IVF and related principles. Find essential facts and background information that will enlighten your inquiries about assisted reproductive technologies. Our resources and references page is designed to help you on understanding specific types of information quickly.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/resource
Be in the know. Read and learn more about the latest Esco Medical happenings: global news, feature articles, important announcements, and more. Regularly check these updates from our news section.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/news
Get to know Esco Medical as a fertility-technology company and how we started. Allow us to give you a peek of what we do and what we offer. We would love to do quality business with you.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/about-us
Do you have a question about us, or our products? And you want to speak to an individual in our organization? Gives us a call, write and send us an email or go-through our personnel directory and we would gladly get in touch with you.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/contact-us
Esco Group (collectively referred to in this Privacy Statement as “we” or “Esco”) recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users or our websites, subscribers to our publications, registrants for events and conferences, recipients of our e-mail newsletters a...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/data-privacy-policy
Esco Group (collectively referred to in this Privacy Statement as “we” or “Esco”) recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users or our websites, subscribers to our publications, registrants for events and conferences, recipients of our e-mail newsletters a...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/online-feedback-form
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URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/webinar-video-detail
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URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/smart-page
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URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/fairtilityxescomedical
Esco Group (collectively referred to in this Privacy Statement as “we” or “Esco”) recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users or our websites, subscribers to our publications, registrants for events and conferences, recipients of our e-mail newsletters a...
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/eshrefeedbackform
Do you have a question about us, or our products? And you want to speak to an individual in our organization? Gives us a call, write and send us an email or go-through our personnel directory and we would gladly get in touch with you.
URL: https://www.esco-medical.com/contact-us-test